Contact Us
Your Torimba Festival Team
c/o Julie Jones
PO Box 246,
Ravenshoe Qld 4888
Festival of the Forest
2023 Committee
President: Julie Jones-Hewlett
Vice President: Jess Dalgety
Secretary: Rebekah Boscacci
Treasurer: Roxanne Bewick/ Anne Harron
Members: Greg Smith and Thomas Bewick
Photographers: Nathan Baird – Public contributions welcome and invited!
Festival of the Forest Coordinators: Heather & John Barney, Robert Bewick, Stephanie Skennar, Anne Harron
Queen Mother: Paige Dalgety, Tara Stokes / Clairice Lucey supporting
Stalls: Roxanne Bewick
Queen Ball Coordinators: Jess Dalgety