Photo Gallery 2021 – 50 Years in the Forest
Torimba Ball
2021 Queens and Miss & Master Torimba Entrants
Queen Entrant Cake Stall & Jazz Band on Grigg St
The Queen Entrants cake stall was another great success this year! Locals and visitors grabbed some yummy treats while dancing along to the wonderful Jazz Band – Let’s Party!
2 Ball 9 Hole Ambrose
One of the popular Torimba Festival is the 2 Ball 9 Hole Ambrose held at Ravenshoe Millstream Country Club.
Festival of the Forest Grand Opening and Unveiling of the Photographic Mural…Our Story on the Street
Mrs Joan Gentle with granddaughter Naomi Gentle, opened this year’s Festival of the Forest on behalf of her late father Arthur Crease, who was the first president of Torimba Festival Committee. Joan made a heartfelt declaration “on behalf of my dad and all those who have gone before” to open the doors for 2021 Festival of the Forest 50th year. Kristy Veron (TRC RADF) Committee was also there to unveil Murals.
Saturday 2nd October 2021.
Official book launch – “Torimba Festival – 50 Years in the Forest”
Ravenshoe respite hosted the event to support an integral part of their group, Vera, who worked with the Ravenshoe Writers Group to create a special commemorative book detailing the history of the festival. Bob Katter was the officiant for this special occasion to launch the book, with a beautiful poetry reading. We are very lucky to have so many talented people in this town.
Torimba Ecumenical Church Service
Service held at St Teresa’s Church with the community including the Torimba Queen entrants
Decorated Businesses of Torimba
Torimba Mardi Gras Day and Street Parade
Torimba Bumper Bingo Night
Torimba Ball – Crowning of the Festival Queens
Images copyright of the Torimba Festival.