
Our not-for-profit community event has various promotional packages available to suit all business budgets. With a dozen major events throughout the program and heaps and heaps of prizes required for all the competitions that we run, we are really happy to discuss donations big and small as part of sponsorships. Another option is in-kind support of products and services that will be required to run our popular community event.  Partner with the Torimba Festival to create a positive perception of your business through the sponsorship and support of the Ravenshoe Torimba Festival.

Please contact us for a sponsorship package….or simply to have a chat about how your business can get involved with the event.


Thank you to our generous 2024 Sponsors 

We ask our Ravenshoe community and visitors to our region to shop local and show your support for the businesses across the region that help us put on the festival every year!

Robwin Automotive

Ramsden Laundromat